Health Cloud Administration System API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

Administration Dev Guide

The US-Core Administratoin application uses the following DataWeave modules to map between Health Cloud and FHIR formats.

PatientFHIRToolsPatientFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
PatientRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Patient resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
LocationFHIRToolsLocationFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
LocationRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Location resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
PractitionerFHIRToolsPractitionerFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
PractitionerRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Practitioner resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
OrganizationFHIRToolsOrganizationFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
OrganizationRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Organization resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
encounterfhirtoolsencounterFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
encounterRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Encounter resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
PractitionerRoleFHIRToolsPractitionerRoleFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
PractitionerRoleRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR PractitionerRole resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
RelatedPersonFHIRToolsRelatedPersonFHIRTools dataweave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.
RelatedPersonRequestThis module defines functions needed to convert a FHIR RelatedPerson resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
UtilA library with needed dataweave utility functions.


PatientFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Patient/PatientFHIRTools.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getPatientResponse (acc: Object, idTypeIdList, personNames, contactAccounts, contactPersonNames, contactContactRelations, relationRoleMap, languageCodeSetCodes, generalPractitionerIds, maritalStatusCodeSetCodes)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Account and contact Accounts.

param acc is the Account object to map.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param personNames is an optional array of HC PersonName objects to map.
param contactAccounts is an optional array of contact Account objects to map.
param contactPersonNames is a list of contact PersonName objects.
param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
param languageCodeSetCodes the CodeSet lookup
return A FHIR formatted Patient object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idAccountIdPatient account Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this patient's record is in active use
name.familyPersonNameLastNamePatient last name
name.givenPersonNameFirstNamePatient first name
name.suffixPersonNameSuffixParts that come after the name
name.prefixPersonNamePrefixParts that come before the name
genderContactGenderThe gender of the patient
birthDateContactBirthdateThe date of birth of the patient
deceasedDateTimeContactDeceasedDateIndicates if the individual is deceased or not
maritalStatusContactmaritalStatusMarital (civil) status of a patient
multipleBirthIntegerContactSequenceInMultipleBirthThe number is the birth number in the sequence
telecom.systemContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsConstant value email\phone
telecom.valueContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsTelephoneNumber\EmailAddressThe actual contact point details
telecom.useContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsUsageTypeUse of contact point
telecom.rankContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
telecom.period.startContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
telecom.period.endContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
address.useContactPointAddressesUsageTypeThe use of an address
address.typeContactPointAddressesAddressTypeThe type of an address (physical \ postal)
address.lineContactPointAddressesStreetPatient's address Line
address.cityContactPointAddressesCityPatient's address city
address.stateContactPointAddressesStatePatient's address state
address.postalCodeContactPointAddressesPostalCodePatient's address postal code
address.countryContactPointAddressesCountryPatient's address country
communication.language.coding.displayPersonLanguageLanguageLanguage display last name of the contact party for the patient first name of the contact party for the patient that come after the contact party's name that come before the contact party's name use of a human name.
contact.genderContactGenderThe gender of the contact party
contact.relationship.coding.codeHealthCloudGA__ContactContactRelation__cHealthCloudGA__Role__cThe nature of the relationship between a patient and a contact person for that patient.
contact.telecom.systemContactPointEmailTelecommunications form for contact point.
contact.telecom.valueContactPointEmailEmailAddressContact party's email address
contact.telecom.useContactPointEmailUsageTypeThe use of an email address
contact.telecom.rankContactPointEmailPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
contact.telecom.period.startContactPointEmailActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
contact.telecom.period.endContactPointEmailActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
contact.telecom.systemContactPointPhoneTelecommunications form for contact point.
contact.telecom.valueContactPointPhoneTelephoneNumberContact party's phone number
contact.telecom.useContactPointPhoneUsageTypePurpose of this contact point
contact.telecom.rankContactPointPhonePreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
contact.telecom.period.startContactPointPhoneActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
contact.telecom.period.endContactPointPhoneActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
contact.address.useContactPointAddressUsageTypeThe use of the contact party's address
contact.address.lineContactPointAddressStreetThe type of the contact party's address
contact.address.cityContactPointAddressCityContact party's address city
contact.address.stateContactPointAddressStateContact party's address state
contact.address.postalCodeContactPointAddressPostalCodeContact party's address postal code
contact.address.countryContactPointAddressCountryContact party's address country
contact.address.typeContactPointAddressAddressTypeThe type of an address
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..systemContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..codeContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..displayContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..systemContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..codeContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..displayContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..systemContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys3__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..codeContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code3__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:ombCategory..displayContactRace_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP3__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..systemContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Sys1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..codeContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Code1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..displayContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_DP1__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..systemContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Sys2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..codeContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Code2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:detailed..displayContactRace_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_DP2__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-race.extension:text..valueStringContactRace_Ext_ValueString__cUS Core Race Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..systemContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..codeContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..displayContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..systemContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..codeContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..displayContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..systemContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Sys3__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..codeContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_Code3__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:ombCategory..displayContactEthnic_Ext_OmbCategory_ValueCoding_DP3__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..systemContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Sys1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..codeContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Code1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..displayContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_DP1__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..systemContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Sys2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..codeContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_Code2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:detailed..displayContactEthnic_Ext_Detailed_ValueCoding_DP2__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-ethnicity.extension:text..valueStringContactEthnic_Ext_ValueString__cUS Core ethnicity Extension
us-core-birthsex.urlContactBirthsex_Ext_URL__cUS Core Birth Sex Extension
us-core-birthsex.valueCodeContactBirthsex_Ext_ValueCode__cUS Core Birth Sex Extension
generalPractitionerContactContactRelation__cRelatedContact__cPatient's nominated primary care provider

fun getPatientNames (personNames)

Gets the patient names in FHIR format with the provided list of HC PersonName objects.

param personNames is a list of HC PersonName objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted name objects.

fun getPatientCommunicationContactPoints (cp)

Gets the patient communication contact point object for the provided contact point provided.

param cp is a HC ContactPointEmail or ContactPointPhone object to map.
return An array of FHIR ContactPoint object.

fun getPatientIdentifiers (idTypeIdList, ids)

Gets the patient identifiers with the provided HC ID array and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param ids is an array of HC identifier objects.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

fun getPatientAddresses (addresses)

Get the patient addresses form HC and returns an array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

param addresses is an array of HC addresses.
return An array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

fun getPatientCommunication (personLanguages, languagelookup)

Get the patient preferred language from the provided HC account object and returns an array of FHIR formatted language objects.

param personLanguages is a list of Languages to map.
param languagelookup is a list of codeset lookup for Language to map.
return An array of FHIR formatted language objects.

fun getPatientContacts (contactAccounts, contactPersonNames, contactContactRelations, relationRoleMap)

Gets the patient contact-contact relations as an array of FHIR objects.

param contactAccounts is an optional list of contact Account objects to map.
param contactPersonNames is a list of contact PersonName objects.
param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
return An array of contact FHIR objects.

fun getContactPeriod (contactContactRelations, id)

Gets the contact period object with the provided list of contact relations, the Id of the current account.

param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
return A contact period object.

fun getPatientRelationRole (contactContactRelations, id, relationRoleMap)

Gets the patient relation role code with the provided list of contact relations, the Id of the current account, and the relation role map.

param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
return A code for the patient relation role.

fun getPatientRelationRoleRecord (contactContactRelations, id)

Gets the patient relation role record with the provided list of contact relations and the Id.

param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
return A Salesforce role Id for the provided data.

fun getPatientUsCoreExtensions (ct)

Gets the us-core Extensions for Patient with the provided Contact object.

param ct is a Health Cloud Contact object.
return A FHIR formatted extension list.

fun getPatientUsCoreExtensionRace (ct)

Gets the us-core Extension for Patient race with the provided Contact object.

param ct is a Health Cloud Contact object.
return A FHIR formatted race extension object.

fun getPatientUsCoreExtensionEthnicity (ct)

Gets the us-core Extension for Patient ethnicity with the provided Contact object.

param ct is a Health Cloud Contact object.
return A FHIR formatted ethnicity extension object.

fun getPatientUsCoreExtensionBirthSex (ct)

Gets the us-core Extension for Patient birth sex with the provided Contact object.

param ct is a Health Cloud Contact object.
return A FHIR formatted birth sex extension object.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

fun getGeneralPractitioner (contactAccounts, contactContactRelations, relationRoleMap, generalPractitionerIds)

Gets the generalPractitioner object with the provided list of contact relations, the Id of the current account.

param contactAccounts is a list of contact account objects.
param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
return A contact period object.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Patient resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Patient/PatientRequest.dwl


fun getPatientPersonAccount (fhirObj, recordType)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonAccount request object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
param recordType is an ID with the PersonAccount record ID to use.
return A Health Cloud PersonAccount request object.

fun getPatientAccount (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud Account object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
return A Health Cloud Account object.

fun getPatientContact (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun getPatientPersonName (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonName object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonName object list.

fun getPatientContactPoint (telecom, accountId)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of Patient telecom objects.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getPatientIdentifier (fhirObj, idTypeIdList, accountId)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object list.

fun getIdentifierType (identifierObj)

Gets the identifier type. It first looks for the codeable concept code value, and if that's not found it then looks for the text value.

param identifierObj is an identifier object to get the type for.
return A string with the type or Undefined.

fun getPatientContactPointAddress (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address objectlist .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getPatientPersonLanguage (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
param upsertLookupResponse is a FHIR Codeset lookup object.
return A Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

fun getPatientPersonLanguage (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse, accountId)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
param upsertLookupResponse is a FHIR Codeset lookup object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

fun getPatientExtensions (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Patient FHIR object and returns the patient ethnicity and race us-core extensions.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
return The Health Cloud ethnicity and race fields for Contact object.

fun getPatientRace (ext)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension object and returns the patient race us-core extensions.

param ext is a us-core-race extension object.
return An object with the extension fields for HC Contact.

fun getPatientEthnicity (ext)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension object and returns the patient ethnicity us-core extensions.

param ext is a us-core-ethnicity extension object.
return An object with the extension fields for HC Contact.

fun getPatientBirthSex (ext)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension object and returns the patient birth sex us-core extension.

param ext is a us-core-ethnicity extension object.
return An object with the extension fields for HC Contact.

fun getPatientEthnicityOmbCategory (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Ethnicity OmbCategory objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Ethnicity.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientEthnicityDetailed (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Ethnicity Detailed objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Ethnicity.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientEthnicityText (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Ethnicity Text objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Ethnicity.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientRaceOmbCategory (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Race OmbCategory objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Race.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientRaceDetailed (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Race Detailed objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Race.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientRaceText (items)

Converts the provided FHIR Extension list of Race Text objects and returns a list of objects with the us-core extensions for HC Contact.

param items is a list of FHIR Extension objects for Race.
return A list of objects with HC Contact fields.

fun getPatientContactsPersonAccount (method, fhirObj, index, recordType)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient Contact Account request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param index is a string with the contact reference index to use.
param recordType is an ID with the PersonAccount record
return A composite Health Cloud contact Account request.

fun getPatientContactsContact (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient Contacts Contact.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
return A composite Health Cloud contact Contact.

fun getPatientContactsPersonName (method, fhirObj, ctIndex, accountId)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient Contacts PersonName composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param ctIndex is the index of the contact in the loop.
param accountId is the Id of the parent Account record.
return A composite Health Cloud contact PersonName request.

fun getPatientContactsContactPointTelecom (method, fhirObj, ctIndex, accountId)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient Contacts telecom composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param ctIndex is the index of the contact in the loop.
param accountId is the Id of the parent Account record.
return A composite Health Cloud contact telecom request.

fun getPatientContactsContactPointAddress (method, fhirObj, ctIndex, accountId)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient Contacts address composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param ctIndex is the index of the contact in the loop.
param accountId is the Id of the parent Account record.
return A composite Health Cloud contact address request.

fun getPatientContactsRelationships (method, fhirObj, relationRoleMap, mainContactId, patientContactContactId, ctIndex)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud Patient contact-to-contact relationship of composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
param mainContactId is a string with the main Contact Id.
param contactId is a string with the Contact Id.
param ctIndex is the index of the contact in the loop.
return A composite Health Cloud contact-to-contact relationship request.

fun getgeneralPractitionerContactsRelationships (method, relationRoleMap, mainContactId, contactId)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud generalPractitioner contact-to-contact relationship of composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
param mainContactId is a string with the main Contact Id.
param contactId is a string with the Contact Id.
return A composite Health Cloud contact-to-contact relationship request.

(back to top)


LocationFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Location/LocationFHIRTools.dwl


fun getLocationResponse (loc: Object, locationObj, identifierObj, codeSet, idTypeIdList, parentFacilityAccountId, timeSlotsObject, locationTypeCodeSetObject, Id)

Generates the location response object in FHIR format with the provided location and associated objects queried from Health Cloud.

param loc is the HC Account location object.
param locationObj is the HC Location object.
param identifierObj is the HC Identifier object list.
param codeSet is the HC CodeSet object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param parentFacilityAccountId is a String with the parent facility Account Id if present or null if not provided.
param locationTypeCodeSetObject is FHIR CodeSet object response.
return A FHIR formatted Location object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idHealthcareFacilityIdHealthcare Facility Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this patient's record is in active use
nameHealthcareFacilityNameName of the location as used by humans
descriptionLocationDescriptionAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name
position.longitudeLocationLongitudeLongitude with WGS84 datum
position.latitudeLocationLatitudeLatitude with WGS84 datum
availabilityExceptionsHealthcareFacilityAvailabilityExceptionsDescription of availability exceptions
partOfHealthcareFacilityParentHealthcareFacilityIdAnother Location this one is physically a part of
type.coding.codeHealthcareFacility.FacilityTypeIdCodeType of function performed
type.coding.displayHealthcareFacility.FacilityTypeIdCodeDescriptionType of function performed
type.coding.systemHealthcareFacility.FacilityTypeIdSourceSystemType of function performed
telecom.systemContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsConstant value email\phone
telecom.valueContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsTelephoneNumber\EmailAddressThe actual contact point details
telecom.useContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsUsageTypeUse of contact point
telecom.rankContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
telecom.period.startContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
telecom.period.endContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
address.useContactPointAddressesUsageTypeThe use of an address
address.typeContactPointAddressesAddressTypeThe type of an address (physical\postal)
address.lineContactPointAddressesStreetPatient's address Line
address.cityContactPointAddressesCityPatient's address city
address.stateContactPointAddressesStatePatient's address state
address.postalCodeContactPointAddressesPostalCodePatient's address postal code
address.countryContactPointAddressesCountryPatient's address country
managingOrganizationHealthCloudGA__RelatedFromAccounts__rHealthCloudGA__RelatedAccount__cOrganization responsible for provisioning and upkeep
hoursOfOperation.daysOfWeekTimeSlotDayOfWeekThe days of the week.
hoursOfOperation.openingTimeTimeSlotStartTimeTime that the Location opens
hoursOfOperation.closingTimeTimeSlotEndTimeTime that the Location closes

fun getLocationHoursOfOperation (timeSlots)

Gets the HoursOfOperation object with the provided TimeSlots object.

param timeSlots is a Health Cloud TimeSlots object.
return A FHIR Location physicalType object.

fun getLocationType (codeSet)

Gets the Location type object with the provided codeSet Health Cloud object.

param codeSet is a Health Cloud CodeSet object.
return A FHIR Location type object.

fun getLocationPhysicalType (locationTypeCodeSet)

Gets the Location physicalType object with the provided HealthcareFacility Health Cloud object.

param facility is a Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.
return A FHIR Location physicalType object.

fun getLocationIdentifier (idList, idTypeIdList)

Gets the Location identifier object list with the provided Identifier Health Cloud object list.

param idList is a Health Cloud Identifier object list.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A FHIR Location identifier object.

fun getLoationTelecom (loc: Object)

Gets the Location telecom objects with the provided Location Health Cloud object.

param loc is the HC Account location object.
return A list of FHIR Location telecom objects.

fun getLoationAddress (loc: Object)

Gets the Location address objects with the provided Location Health Cloud object.

param loc is the HC Account location object.
return A list of FHIR Location address objects.

fun getLoationManagingOrganization (loc: Object)

Gets the Location managing organization object with the provided Location Health Cloud object.

param loc is the HC Account location object.
return A FHIR reference to managing organization.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Location resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Location/LocationRequest.dwl


fun getLocationAccount (fhirObj, operatingHoursId)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud Account object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
return A Health Cloud Account object.

fun getLocationLocation (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud Location object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object. Id or null if not present.
return A Health Cloud Location object.

fun getPickListValue (req, lookupReq)

Converts the FHIR CodeableConcept fields and result from lookup to get the values for picklist field used in Location upsert.

param req is a FHIR object field.
param lookupReq is from FHIR_CodeSet__c.
return A value for the picklist field.

fun getLocationHealthcareFacility (fhirObj, facilityTypeId, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param facilityTypeId is the Id of the CodeSetBundle to set.
param parentFacilityId is a String with the parent HealthcareFacility Id or null if not present.
return A Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.

fun getLocationHealthcareFacility (fhirObj, facilityTypeId, upsertLookupResponse, create)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param facilityTypeId is the Id of the CodeSetBundle to set.
param create is a boolean with true to create and false to update.
param upsertLookupResponse is lookup of FHIR CodeSets object.
return A Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.

fun getLocationIdentifier (fhirObj, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes. from Health Cloud map.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getLocationIdentifier (fhirObj, idTypeIdList, healthcareFacilityId)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param healthcareFacilityId is the HealthcareFacility Id to use as the parent record Id.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getLocationContactPoint (telecom)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of Location telecom objects.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getLocationContactPoint (telecom, accountId)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of Location telecom objects.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getLocationContactPointAddress (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object.

fun getLocationContactPointAddress (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object.

fun getLocationAccountAccountRelation (fhirObj, relationRoleMap)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud AccountAccountRelation object .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint AccountAccountRelation object.

fun getLocationAccountAccountRelation (fhirObj, relationRoleMap, accountId)

Converts the provided Location FHIR object to the Health Cloud AccountAccountRelation object .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Location object.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint AccountAccountRelation object.

fun getLocationOperatingHours (availableTime)

Converts the provided availableTime object to the Health Cloud Available Time Description Text.

param at is a FHIR PractitionerRole availableTime object.
return A Health Cloud Available Time Description Text.

(back to top)


PractitionerFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Practitioner/PractitionerFHIRTools.dwl


fun getPractitionerResponse (acc: Object, idTypeIdList, personNames, personLanguages, fhirCodeSetQualification, qualificationIdentifiers, healthCareProviderIdentifiers, id)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Account and contact Accounts.

param acc is the Account object to map.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param personNames is an optional array of HC PersonName objects to map.
param personLanguages is a list of HC language to map.
param fhirCodeSetQualification is a list of Qualification CodeSet to map.
param qualificationIdentifiers is Qualification object with identifiers.
return A FHIR formatted Practitioner object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idAccountIdPatient account Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this patient's record is in active use
name.familyPersonNameLastNamePartitioner last name
name.givenPersonNameFirstNamePartitioner first name
name.prefixPersonNamePrefixParts that come after the name
name.suffixPersonNameSuffixParts that come before the name
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this Patitioner's record is in active use
telecom.systemContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsemail\phoneConstant value email or phone
telecom.valueContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsTelephoneNumber\EmailAddressThe actual contact point details
telecom.useContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsUsageTypeUse of contact point
telecom.rankContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
telecom.period.startContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
telecom.period.endContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
genderContactGenderThe gender of the partitioner
birthDateContactBirthdateThe date of birth of the partitioner
communication.coding.displayPersonLanguageNameA language the practitioner can use in patient communication
communication.textPersonLanguageLanguageA language the practitioner can use in patient communication
qualification.code.coding.codeBoardCertificationCertificationTypeCoded representation of the qualification
qualification.period.startBoardCertificationEffectiveFromStart date of the period during which the qualification is valid
qualification.period.endBoardCertificationEffectiveToEnd date of the period during which the qualification is valid
qualification.issuerBoardCertificationBoardNameAn identifier for this qualification for the practitioner

fun getQualifications (boardCertifications, fhirCodeSetQualification, qualificationIdentifiers)

Gets the Qualifications with the provided list of Boar certifications

param boardCertifications is a list of HC boardCertifications to map.
param fhirCodeSetQualification is a list of Qualification CodeSet to map.
param qualificationIdentifiers is Qualification object with identifiers.
return a list of Qualifications in FHIR format.

fun getCommunicationLangugaes (personLanguages)

Gets the communication languages with the provided list of person languages.

param personLanguages is a list of HC language to map.
return a list of communication languages in FHIR format.

fun getPractitionerNames (personNames)

Gets the Practitioner names in FHIR format with the provided list of HC PersonName objects.

param personNames is a list of HC PersonName objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted name objects.

fun getPractitionerCommunicationContactPoints (cp)

Gets the Practitioner communication contact point object for the provided contact point provided.

param cp is a HC ContactPointEmail or ContactPointPhone object to map.
return An array of FHIR ContactPoint object.

fun getPractitionerIdentifiers (idTypeMap, ids)

Gets the Practitioner identifiers with the provided HC ID array and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param idTypeMap is a map of HC Ids to FHIR identifier codes.
param ids is an array of HC identifier objects.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

fun getPractitionerAddresses (addresses)

Get the Practitioner addresses form HC and returns an array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

param addresses is an array of HC addresses.
return An array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

fun getPractitionerContacts (contactAccounts, contactPersonNames)

Gets the Practitioner contact-contact relations as an array of FHIR objects.

param contactAccounts is an optional list of contact Account objects to map.
param contactPersonNames is a list of contact PersonName objects.
return An array of contact FHIR objects.

fun clean (obj: Object)

Cleans the provided object of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param obj is an Object to clean.
return A cleaned object.

fun clean (arr: Array)

Cleans the provided array of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param arr is an Array to clean.
return A cleaned Array.

fun removeNull (arr: Array)

Removes all null items from an array.

param arr is an array.
return An array with null items removed.

fun removeNull (obj: Object)

Removes all null values from an object.

param obj is an object.
return An object with null values removed.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

fun getPractitionerIdentifier (identifiers, idTypeIdList)

Gets the practitioner identifiers with the provided HC ID array and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param identifiers is an array of HC identifier objects.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Practitioner resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Practitioner/PractitionerRequest.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getPractitionerAccount (fhirObj, recordTypeId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud Account object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param recordTypeId is a String with the record type Id to use.
return A Health Cloud Account object.

fun getBoardCertificationIdentifier (method, index, accountId, qualification, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR Qualification object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a string with the method value.
param index is a index value of the BoardCertification loop.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
param qualification is a FHIR qualification object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getPractitionerIdentifier (method, healthcareProviderId, identifierObj, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a string with the method value.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
param identifierObj is a FHIR Practitioner identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getPractitionerContact (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun getPractitionerPersonName (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonName object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonName object list.

fun getPractitionerContactPoint (telecom, accountId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of Practitioner telecom objects.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getPractitionerContactPointAddress (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list .

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getPractitionerPersonLanguage (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

fun getPractitionerContact (fhirObj)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun formatName (obj)

Gets the trimmed concatenated name with the provided name object.

param obj is the name object to format.
return A formatted name string with 'First Last'.

fun getPractitionerHealthcareProvider (fhirObj, contactResp)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud HealthcareProvider object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param contactResp is contactResponse Object in the previous flows
return A Health Cloud HealthcareProvider object.

fun getPickListValue (req, lookupReq)

Converts the FHIR CodeableConcept fields and result from lookup to get the values for picklist field used in Encounter upsert.

param req is a FHIR object field.
param lookupReq is from FHIR_CodeSet__c.
return A value for the picklist field.

fun getBoardCertification (fhirObj, contactResp, upsertLookupResponse, healthcareProviderId)

Converts the provided Practitioner FHIR object to the Health Cloud BoardCertification object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Practitioner object.
param contactResp is contactResponse Object in the previous flows
param upsertLookupResponse is FHIR Codeset lookup Object
return A Health Cloud BoardCertification object.

(back to top)


OrganizationFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Organization/OrganizationFHIRTools.dwl


fun getOrganizationResponse (org: Object, idTypeIdList, accountContactRelations, contactAccountIds, contactAccounts, codeSetLU)

Gets the organization response object with the provided Organization object.

param org is a Health Cloud Organization object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param contactAccounts is a list of Contact accounts.
param contactPersonNames is a list of contact PersonName objects.
return A FHIR formatted Organization object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idAccountIdAccount Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether the organization's record is still in active use
type.coding.displayAccountTypeKind of organization
nameAccountNameName used for the organization
telecom.systemContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsConstant value email\phone
telecom.valueContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsTelephoneNumber\EmailAddressThe actual contact point details
telecom.useContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsUsageTypeUse of contact point
telecom.rankContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
telecom.period.startContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
telecom.period.endContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
address.useContactPointAddressesUsageTypeThe use of an address
address.typeContactPointAddressesAddressTypeThe type of an address (physical\postal)
address.lineContactPointAddressesStreetPatient's address Line
address.cityContactPointAddressesCityPatient's address city
address.stateContactPointAddressesStatePatient's address state
address.postalCodeContactPointAddressesPostalCodePatient's address postal code
address.countryContactPointAddressesCountryPatient's address country
contact.purpose.coding.displayAccountContactRelationRolesThe type of contact last name of the contact party first name of the contact party for the patient that come after the contact party's name that come before the contact party's name of this address

fun getCodingValue (req, lookupReq)

Gets the Coding for CodeableConcept in FHIR format with the provided list of HC request field and Lookup value from FHIRCodeSet\_c.

param req is HC field.
return A list of FHIR formatted coding for CodeableConcept objects.

fun getOrgContactsNames (personNames)

Gets the Organization Contacts names in FHIR format with the provided list of HC PersonName objects.

param personNames is a list of HC PersonName objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted name objects.

fun getOrgContactsPurpose (accountContactRelation, codeSetLU)

Gets the Organization Account Contact Relation Roles in FHIR format with the provided list of AccountContactRelation object and lookup values.

param accountContactRelation is a list of HC AccountContactRelation objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted purpose codeable concept.

fun getOrgIdentifiers (identifiers, idTypeIdList)

Gets the organization identifiers with the provided HC ID array and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param identifier is an array of HC identifier objects.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

fun getOrgCommunicationContactPoints (contactPoints)

Gets the Organization communication contact point object for the provided contact point provided.

param contactPoints is a HC ContactPointEmail or ContactPointPhone object to map.
return An array of FHIR ContactPoint object.

fun getOrgContactPointAddresses (addresses)

Get the Organization addresses form HC and returns an array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

param addresses is an array of HC addresses.
return An array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

fun getOrgContacts (accountContactRelations, contactAccountIds, contactAccounts, codeSetLU)

Gets the organization account-contact relations as an array of FHIR objects.

param contactAccounts is an optional list of contact Account objects to map.
param contactPersonNames is a list of contact PersonName objects.
return An array of contact FHIR objects.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Organization resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Organization/OrganizationRequest.dwl


fun getPickListValue (req, lookupReq)

Converts the FHIR CodeableConcept fields and result from lookup to get the values for picklist field used in Encounter upsert.

param req is a FHIR object field.
param lookupReq is from FHIR_CodeSet__c.
return A value for the picklist field.

fun getOrganizationAccount (fhirObj, codeSetLU)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud Account object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
return A Health Cloud Account object.

fun getOrganizationIdentifier (method, identifierObj, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param identifierObj is a FHIR Organization identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getOrganizationIdentifier (method, identifierObj, idTypeIdList, accountId)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param identifierObj is a FHIR Organization identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id to use.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getOrganizationContactPointAddress (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getOrganizationContactPointAddress (method, fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id to use.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getOrganizationContact (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getOrganizationContact (method, fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id to use.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getOrganizationContactAccount (method, contactObj, recordType)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param contactObj is a FHIR Organization contact object.
param recordType is a person account type.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun getContactsPersonName (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonName object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization contact object.
return A Health Cloud PersonName object list.

fun getContactsContactPointAddress (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Organization object.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getContactsContact (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param telecom is a list of Organization contacts telecom objects.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getAccountContactRelation (method, accountId, contactsDetails, fhirObj, codeSetLU)

Converts the provided Organization FHIR object to the Health Cloud AccountContact Relation object list.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param accountId is Organization account Id.
param contactIds is organization contacts contact Ids.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

(back to top)


encounterFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Encounter/encounterfhirtools.dwl


fun getEncounterResponse (encounterRLU)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Encounter Object.

param encounterRLU is the Encounter object to map.
return A Health Cloud ClientEncounter response.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idClinicalEncounterIdEncounter Id
Identifier.useClinicalEncounterIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemClinicalEncounterIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueClinicalEncounterIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeClinicalEncounterIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
statusClinicalEncounterStatusEncounter status
serviceType.coding.displayClinicalEncounterServiceTypeSpecific type of service
class.coding.displayClinicalEncounterCategoryClassification of patient encounter
type.coding.codeClinicalEncounter.TypeIdCodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system for Encounter type
type.coding.displayClinicalEncounter.TypeIdCodeDescriptionRepresentation defined by the system
type.coding.systemClinicalEncounter.TypeIdSourceSystemIdentity of the terminology system for Encounter type
priority.coding.codeClinicalEncounter.PriorityIdCodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system for Encounter urgency
priority.coding.displayClinicalEncounter.PriorityIdCodeDescriptionRepresentation defined by the system
priority.coding.systemClinicalEncounter.PriorityIdSourceSystemIdentity of the terminology system for Encounter urgency
subjectClinicalEncounterPatientIdThe patient\group present at the encounter
basedOnClinicalEncounterSvcRequestClinicalServiceRequestIdThe ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
participantClinicalEncounterProviderNot AvailableList of participants involved in the encounter
participant.typeClinicalEncounterProviderPractitionerTypeIdRole of participant in encounter
participant.period.startClinicalEncounterProviderStartDateStart time for the encounter that the participant participated
participant.period.endClinicalEncounterProviderEndDateEnd time for the encounter that the participant participated
period.startClinicalEncounterStartDateStart time of the encounter
period.endClinicalEncounterEndDateEnd time of the encounter
length.valueClinicalEncounterDurationQuantity of time the encounter lasted
length.unitClinicalEncounterDurationUnitUnit for the quantity of time the encounter lasted
reasonCode.coding.codeClinicalEncounterReason.ReasonCodeIdCodeSymbol for coded reason the encounter takes place
reasonCode.coding.displayClinicalEncounterReason.ReasonCodeIdCodeDescriptionRepresentation defined by the system
reasonCode.coding.systemClinicalEncounterReason.ReasonCodeIdSourceSystemIdentity of the terminology system for Reason
reasonReferenceClinicalEncounterReasonReasonReferenceIdReason the encounter takes place (reference)
serviceProviderClinicalEncounterFacilityIdThe organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
partOfClinicalEncounterRelatedClinicalEncounterIdAnother Encounter this encounter is part of
diagnosis.conditionClinicalEncounterDiagnosisDiagnosisIdThe diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
diagnosis.useClinicalEncounterDiagnosisUsageTypeIdRole that this diagnosis has within the encounter
diagnosis.rankClinicalEncounterDiagnosisDiagnosisRankRanking of the diagnosis
hospitalization.preAdmissionIdentifierClinicalEncounterPreAdmissionIdentiferIdPre-admission identifier
hospitalization.originClinicalEncounterPreviousFacilityIdThe location or organization from which the patient came before admission
hospitalization.admitSourceClinicalEncounterAdmissionSourceFrom where patient was admitted
hospitalization.reAdmissionClinicalEncounterReadmissionCodeThe type of hospital re-admission that has occurred
hospitalization.dietPreferenceClinicalEncounterDietPreferenceDiet preferences reported by the patient
hospitalization.specialCourtesyClinicalEncounterSpecialCourtesySpecial courtesies
hospitalization.destinationClinicalEncounterDestinationFacility\DestinationOrganizationLocation\org to which the patient is discharged
hospitalization.dischargeDispositionClinicalEncounterDischargeDispositionCategory or kind of location after discharge
location.locationClinicalEncounterFacilityFacilityIdLocation the encounter takes place
location.statusClinicalEncounterFacilityStatusThe status of the location.
location.physicalTypeClinicalEncounterFacilityFacilityTypeIdThe physical type of the location
location.period.startClinicalEncounterFacilityStartDateStart time during which the patient was present at the location
location.period.endClinicalEncounterFacilityEndDateEnd time during which the patient was present at the location

fun getDiagnosis (encounter)

Creates a list of Diagnosis references with the provided Encounter object.

param encounter is the Encounter object containing Diagnosis.
return A list of Diagnosis references.

fun getLocation (encounter)

Creates a list of location references with the provided Encounter object.

param encounter is the Encounter object containing locations.
return A list of location references.

fun getParticipant (participant)

Gets the Participant in FHIR format with the provided ClinicalEncounterProvider objects.

param participant is a list of HC ClinicalEncounterProvider objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted participant response.

fun getReasonCode (ReasonCodeIdCodeSetBundle)

Gets the reasonCode in FHIR format with the provided ClinicalEncounterReason objects.

param ReasonCodeIdCodeSetBundle is a list of HC CodeSetBundle objects related to reasonCode.
return A list of FHIR formatted reasonCode response.

fun getHospitalization (encounter)

Gets the hospitalization related data in FHIR format with the provided encounter objects.

param encounter is the ClinicalEncounterReason object.
return A list of FHIR formatted hospitalization response.

fun getLinkSelf ()

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
return A string with the entry URL.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Encounter resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Encounter/encounterRequest.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getPickListValue (req, lookupReq)

Converts the FHIR CodeableConcept fields and result from lookup to get the values for picklist field used in Encounter upsert.

param req is a FHIR object field.
param lookupReq is from FHIR_CodeSet__c.
return A value for the picklist field.

fun getEncounterUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, create)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud Encounter object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Encounter object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Encounter object
param create is a boolean with true for a create and false for an update.
return Health Cloud Encounter upsert fields.

fun getEncounterUpdate (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, create)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud Encounter object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Encounter object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Encounter object
param create is a boolean with true for a create and false for an update.
return Health Cloud Encounter update fields.

fun getCodeSetUpsert (codeSetList)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud CodeSet object.

param codeSetList is the list of codeSet object.
return Health Cloud CodeSet upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetBundleUpsert (codeSetList, bundleType, name)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud CodeSetBundle object.

param codeSetList is the list of CodeSetBundle object.
param bundleType is for defining the CodeSetBundle type.
param name is for defining the name of the CodeSetBundle.
return Health Cloud CodeSetBundle upsert fields.

fun getIdentifierUpsert (identifier, encounterId, typeId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterIdentifier object.

param identifier is the list of ClinicalEncounterIdentifier object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
param typeId is a String with the Id type Id to set.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterIdentifier upsert fields.

fun getEncounterPreAdmissionUpsert (preAdmissionId)

Adds the Encounter PreAdmissionIdentifier to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounter object.

param preAdmissionId is the PreAdmissionIdentifier Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounter upsert fields.

fun getParticipantUpsert (participant, encounterId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterProvider object.

param participant is the list of ClinicalEncounterProvider object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterProvider upsert fields.

fun getLocationUpsert (location, encounterId, typeId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterFacility object.

param location is the list of ClinicalEncounterFacility object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterFacility upsert fields.

fun getReasonCodeUpsert (reasonCode, encounterId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterReason object.

param reasonCode is the list of ClinicalEncounterReason object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterReason upsert fields.

fun getDiagnosisUpsert (diagnosis, encounterId, useCodeId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterDiagnosis object.

param diagnosis is the list of ClinicalEncounterDiagnosis object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterDiagnosis upsert fields.

fun getEncounterSvcRequestUpsert (svcRequest, encounterId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterSvcRequest object.

param svcRequest is the reference to ClinicalServiceRequest that this encounter is based on.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterSvcRequest upsert fields.

fun getEncounterReasonRefUpsert (reasonReference, encounterId)

Converts the provided Encounter FHIR object to the Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterReason object.

param reasonReference is the Reason Reference for ClinicalEncounterReason object.
param encounterId is the associated encounter Id.
return Health Cloud ClinicalEncounterReason upsert fields.

(back to top)


PractitionerRoleFHIRTools DataWeave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/PractitionerRole/PractitionerRoleFHIRTools.dwl


fun getPractitionerRoleResponse (prole: Object, careProviderFacilitySpecialty, fhirCodeSetCode, practitioner, specialty, location, idTypeIdList, operatingHours, organization)

Generates the practitionerrole response object in FHIR format with the provided practitionerrole object queried from Health Cloud.

param prole is the PractitionerRole object to map.
param careProviderFacilitySpecialty is the care provider
param fhirCodeSetCode is a CodeSet Lookup for code object inside the careProviderFacilitySpecialty table to map. facility specialty.
param practitioner is a Practitioner object to map.
param specialty is a Specialty object to map.
param location is a Location object to map.
param idTypeMap is a map with the Id type Ids to use.
param operatingHours is a OperatingHours object to map.
param organization is a Organization object to map.
return A FHIR formatted PractitionerRole object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idAccountIdPatient account Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this patient's record is in active use
.startHealthcarePractitionerFacilityEffectiveFromThe start date of the during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)
.endHealthcarePractitionerFacilityEffectiveToThe end date of the during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)
practitioner.referenceHealthcarePractitionerFacilityPractitionerIdPractitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization
practitioner.displayHealthcarePractitionerFacilityNamePractitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization
code.coding.codeCareProviderFacilitySpecialtySpecialtyRoleRoles which this practitioner may perform
code.coding.displayCareProviderFacilitySpecialtyNameRoles which this practitioner may perform
specialty.coding.codeCareProviderFacilitySpecialtySepcialtyIdSpecific specialty of the practitioner
specialty.coding.codeCareProviderFacilitySpecialtyCareSpecialty.NameSpecific specialty of the practitioner
location.referenceHealthcarePractitionerFacilityHealthcareFacilityIdOrganization where the roles are available.
location.displayHealthcarePractitionerFacilityHealthcareFacility.NameOrganization where the roles are available.
organization (Reference)Organization where the roles are available.
availabilityExceptionsHealthcarePractitionerFacilityAvailabilityExceptionsDescription of availability exceptions
availableTimeOperatingHoursIdOperatingHoursTimes the Service Site is available

fun getIdentifier (prole, idTypeIdList)

Gets the practitionerrole identifiers and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param prole an array of HC Identifier objects.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

fun getPractitioner (prole: Object, practitioner)

Gets the practitioner object with the provided practitionerrole object and returns null if not found.

param prole is the PractitionerRole object to map.
param practitioner is a Practitioner object.
return A FHIR formatted Practitioner object.

fun getLocation (prole: Object, location)

Gets the location object with the provided practitionerrole object and returns null if not found.

param prole is the PractitionerRole object to map.
param location is an array of HC Location objects.
return An array of FHIR formatted Location objects.

fun getOrganization (prole: Object, organization)

Gets the organization object with the provided practitionerrole object and returns null if not found.

param prole is the PractitionerRole object to map.
param organization is an array of HC Organization objects.
return An array of FHIR formatted Organization objects.

fun getCode (careProviderFacilitySpecialty, fhirCodeSetCode)

Gets the code object with the provided practitionerrole object and returns null if not found.

param careProviderFacilitySpecialty is an array of HC Code objects.
param fhirCodeSetCode is a list of codeset lookup for Code to map.
return An array of FHIR formatted Code objects.

fun getspecialty (specialty)

Gets the specialty object with the provided practitionerrole object and returns null if not found.

param specialty is an array of HC Specialty objects.
return An array of FHIR formatted Specialty objects.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR PractitionerRole resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/PractitionerRole/PractitionerRoleRequest.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getPickListValue (req, lookupReq)

Converts the FHIR CodeableConcept fields and result from lookup to get the values for picklist field used in Encounter upsert.

param req is a FHIR object field.
param lookupReq is from FHIR_CodeSet__c.
return A value for the picklist field.

fun getPractitionerRoleAccount (fhirObj, operatingHoursId)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud PractitionerRole object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole healthcarePractitionerFacility object.
return A Health Cloud HealthcarePractitionerFacility object.

fun getPractitionerRoleIdentifier (method, fhirObj, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud PractitionerRole object.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getPractitionerRoleIdentifier (method, fhirObj, idTypeIdList, healthcareFacilityId)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud PractitionerRole object.

param method is a String with the HTTP method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param healthcareFacilityId is a String with the HealthcareFacility Id.
return An object with a list of Health Cloud Identifier objects.

fun getCareProviderFacilitySpecialty (method, fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud PractitionerRole object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole careProviderFacilitySpecialty object.
return A Health Cloud CareProviderFacilitySpecialty object.

fun getCareProviderFacilitySpecialty (method, fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse, healthcareFacilityId)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud PractitionerRole object.

param method is a String with the method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole careProviderFacilitySpecialty object.
param upsertLookupResponse is a FHIRCodeSet\_c object.
param healthcareFacilityId is a String with the HealthcareFacility Id.
return An object with a list of Health Cloud CareProviderFacilitySpecialty objects.

fun getAvilableTime (availableTime)

Converts the provided availableTime object to the Health Cloud Available Time Description Text.

param availableTime is a FHIR PractitionerRole availableTime object.
return A Health Cloud Available Time Description Text.

fun getHealthcareFacility (method, fhirObj)

Converts the provided PractitionerRole FHIR object to the Health Cloud HealthcareFacility object.

param method is a String with the method to use.
param fhirObj is a FHIR PractitionerRole object.
return An object with a list of Health Cloud HealthcareFacility objects.

(back to top)


RelatedPersonFHIRTools dataweave library contains functions
used for converting Health Cloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/relatedperson/RelatedPersonFHIRTools.dwl


fun getRelatedPersonResponse (acc: Object, contactAccountIds, contactContactRelations, relationRoleMap, upsertLookupResponse, idTypeIdList)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Account and contact Accounts.

param acc is the Account object to map.
param personNames is an optional array of HC PersonName objects to map.
param personLanguages is a list of person languages to map.
param contactAccountIds is a list of contact account Ids to use a references.
param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relations to map.
param relationRoleMap is a map of relation roles to use.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A FHIR formatted RelatedPerson object.

FHIR Field NameSalesforce Object NameSalesforce Field NameMapping Description
idAccountIdRelatedOerson account Id
Identifier.useIdentifierIdUsageTypeIdentifies the purpose for this identifier
identifier.systemIdentifierSourceSystemIdentifier system for resource
identifier.valueIdentifierIdValueIdentifier value for resource
identifier.type.coding.codeIdentifierIdTypeIdDescription of identifier
activeAccountIsActiveWhether this related person's record is in active use
patient.referenceContactContactRelation__cHealthCloudGA__Contact__cThe patient this person is related to
period.startContactContactRelation__cHealthCloudGA__StartDate__cStart time that this relationship is considered
period.endContactContactRelation__cHealthCloudGA__EndDate__cEnd time that this relationship is considered valid
relationship.systemContactContactRelation__cConstant relationshipSystem
relationship.codeContactContactRelation__cHealthCloudGA__Role__cLookup using function getRelatedPersonRelationRole
name.familyPersonNameLastNameRelatedPerson family name
name.givenPersonNameFirstNameRelatedPerson given name
name.usePersonNameNameUsageTypeThe use of a RelatedPerson name
name.prefixPersonNamePrefixParts that come before the name
name.suffixPersonNameSuffixParts that come after the name
genderContactGenderThe gender of a person used for administrative purposes
birthDateContactBirthdateThe date on which the related person was born
telecom.systemContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsConstant value email\phone
telecom.valueContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsTelephoneNumber\EmailAddressThe actual contact point details
telecom.useContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsUsageTypeUse of contact point
telecom.rankContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsPreferenceRankSpecify preferred order of use
telecom.period.startContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveFromDateStarting time with inclusive boundary
telecom.period.endContactPointPhone\ContactPointEmailsActiveToDateEnd time with inclusive boundary
address.useContactPointAddressesUsageTypeThe use of an address
address.typeContactPointAddressesAddressTypeThe type of an address (physical\postal)
address.lineContactPointAddressesStreetRelatedPerson's Address Line
address.cityContactPointAddressesCityRelatedPerson's Address City
address.stateContactPointAddressesStateRelatedPerson's Address State
address.postalCodeContactPointAddressesPostalCodeRelatedPerson's Address Postal Code
address.countryContactPointAddressesCountryRelatedPerson's Address Country
communication.language.coding.codePersonLanguageSystem__cLanguage terminology system
communication.language.coding.codePersonLanguageCode__cLanguage code
communication.language.coding.codePersonLanguageDisplay__cLanguage display
communication.preferredPersonLanguageRankLanguage preference indicator

fun getRelatedPersonNames (personNames)

Gets the RelatedPerson names in FHIR format with the provided list of HC PersonName objects.

param personNames is a list of HC PersonName objects.
return A list of FHIR formatted name objects.

fun getRelatedPersonCommunicationContactPoints (cp)

Gets the RelatedPerson communication contact point object for the provided contact point provided.

param cp is a HC ContactPointEmail or ContactPointPhone object to map.
return An array of FHIR ContactPoint object.

fun getRelatedPersonIdentifiers (ids, idTypeIdList)

Gets the RelatedPerson identifiers with the provided HC ID array and returns a list of FHIR Identifier objects.

param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param ids is an array of HC identifier objects.
return An array of FHIR Identifier objects.

fun getRelatedPersonAddresses (addresses)

Get the RelatedPerson addresses form HC and returns an array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

param addresses is an array of HC addresses.
return An array of FHIR formatted Address objects.

fun getCommunicationLangugaes (personLanguages, languagelookup)

Maps the communication languages with the provided list of person languages.

param personLanguages is a list of languages to map.
param languagelookup is FHIR Codeset lookup object.
return a FHIR formatted list of communication languages.

fun getLinkSelf (attr: Object)

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object, attr: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
param attr is an object with the attributes.
return A string with the entry URL.

fun getRelatedPersonRelationRole (contactContactRelation, id, relationRoleMap)

Gets the relatedperson relation role code with the provided list of contact relations, the Id of the current account, and the relation role map.

param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
return A code for the relatedperson relation role.

fun getRelatedPersonRelationRoleRecord (contactContactRelation, id)

Gets the relatedperson relation role record with the provided list of contact relations and the Id.

param contactContactRelations is a list of contact relation objects.
param id is a string with the account Id.
return A Salesforce role Id for the provided data.

(back to top)


This module defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR RelatedPerson resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/relatedperson/RelatedPersonRequest.dwl


fun getRelatedPersonAccount (fhirObj, recordTypeId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud Account object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
param recordTypeId is a String with the record type Id to set.
return A Health Cloud Account object.

fun getRelatedPersonContact (fhirObj)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun getRelatedPersonPersonName (fhirObj)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonName object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
return A Health Cloud PersonName object list.

fun getRelatedPersonPersonName (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonName object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonName object list.

fun getRelatedPersonContactPoint (telecom)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of RelatedPerson telecom objects.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getRelatedPersonContactPoint (telecom, accountId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

param telecom is a list of RelatedPerson telecom objects.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint object list.

fun getRelatedPersonContactPointAddress (fhirObj)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list .

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getRelatedPersonContactPointAddress (fhirObj, accountId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list .

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getRelatedPersonPersonLanguage (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
return A Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

fun getRelatedPersonPersonLanguage (fhirObj, upsertLookupResponse, accountId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

param fhirObj is a FHIR RelatedPerson object.
param upsertLookupResponse is a FHIR Codeset lookup object.
param accountId is a String with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud PersonLanguage object list.

fun getRelatedPersonContact (fhirObj)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud Contact object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Patient object.
return A Health Cloud Contact object.

fun getRelatedPersonIdentifier (method, identifierObj, idTypeIdList)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a string with the method to use.
param identifierObj is a FHIR Patient identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getRelatedPersonIdentifier (method, identifierObj, idTypeIdList, accountId)

Converts the provided RelatedPerson FHIR object to the Health Cloud Identifier object.

param method is a string with the method to use.
param identifierObj is a FHIR Patient identifier object.
param idTypeIdList is a list of HC records to FHIR identifier type codes.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A Health Cloud Identifier object.

fun getRelatedPersontContactsRelationships (method, fhirObj, relationRoleMap, mainContactId, contactId)

Converts the provided Contact FHIR object to the Health Cloud RelatedPerson contact-to-contact relationship of composite request.

param method is a string with POST or PATCH.
param fhirObj is a FHIR Contact object.
param relationRoleMap the role relationship map.
param mainContactId is a string with the main Contact Id.
param contactId is a string with the Contact Id.
return A composite Health Cloud contact-to-contact relationship request.

(back to top)


A library with needed dataweave utility functions.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Util.dwl


fun clean (obj: Object)

Cleans the provided object of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param obj is an Object to clean.
return A cleaned object.

fun clean (arr: Array)

Cleans the provided array of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param arr is an Array to clean.
return A cleaned Array.

fun removeNull (arr: Array)

Removes all null items from an array.

param arr is an array.
return An array with null items removed.

fun removeNull (obj: Object)

Removes all null values from an object.

param obj is an object.
return An object with null values removed.

fun getDateOfWeek (dateOfWeek)

Converts the DateOfWeek code to DateOfWeek.

param dateOfWeekCode is an code.
return An object with null values removed.

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onJan 2, 2024
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